Monday 3 April 2017

The Humbling Rains

Photo taken by Tristen
With the smell of spring rains I simply cannot help but feel the pain ease away. Water like me, is so delicate and purifying. The rain hits my face with its cool embrace. The sound of thunder shakes the earth, and the river flows among the rocks. My breath is taken away in these moments, my mind and body feel at peace and numb. I watch the water as it shimmers, my reflection in these small moments, and my thoughts trail off to simpler times where as a child I ran and played in the rain. So innocent and fragile I was. My life now flows like the river, with grace and harmony. Water always seems to ground me to the earth reminding me that I too belong among-st the trees and sky, reminding me that we all drink from the same flowing river, and we are united in one. Water brings me comfort it reminds me to embrace the changes in life with humility and welcome challenges with courage. I am grateful everyday, for what I have, what I have achieved and even what I have lost. As I live in these moments I begin to cry, but I don't ask why because my tears brings me hope that I can begin to let go. Like the river I know I may hit the rapids, but I remain on the same pathway. I've never been afraid to cry or ask the world why. My tears are my cleansing rains and are humbling. I've learned a lot about who I am inside.  With courage and humility I am able to achieve this: my sense of self and my drive to change. These traits come from my humbling rains and remind me that I am on the right pathway. 

-By Tristen Cook
This link is to a music video by Puscifer.  This piece, entitled "The Humbling River", mirrors the metaphor I have established in my blog piece.

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