Tuesday 4 April 2017

Don't Let Fear Take You Over

I feel vulnerable in life when I have to put myself out there and do things I'm not comfortable doing, such as going out of my way to talk to others and talking in front of people or groups. I hated doing this and felt nervous up until probably this year, but I realized I wasn't the only one who felt this way and that if everyone else could do it without any problems then I could too. I realized the people you're talking to don't care whether you are nervous or not, they are just there to listen to what you have to say. Even though I may have hated doing these things in the moment and I sometimes just wished it would be over, I now know that it only benefited and allowed me to progress and work on developing a new and useful life skill because the only way to overcome things like this is to continually do them over again and practice until you are comfortable. This will allow you to start to become comfortable with the uncomfortable moment life throws at you. Being able to overcome anything, whether it's big or small, takes a tremendous amount of courage. Sometimes society can try and put limitations on what you can do, but as long as you listen to yourself and truly believe you can do something you will be successful and be able to overcome anything. Even though I still dislike talking in front of people I am no longer nervous when I have to.          

-By Joshua Lambert


This is a link to a motivational video entitled "Overcoming Fear".

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