Tuesday, 4 April 2017

All my life I’ve always tried to make my parents happy and proud of me, well maybe not always, but I know that they want what’s best for me which means the career that makes the most money. This is something I struggle with. See I’m not the brightest student out there, and I can sometimes be hard working, but when I am I know I get results. I also want a job that I’ll enjoy on doing, a job that I’ll honestly be proud of, even if my parents aren’t, but since I want to make my parent’s proud I have no clue on what to do. There are times where I actually don’t feel like I’m living life to the fullest; I don’t blame my parents of course, I honestly blame myself for not having the courage to face them and tell them about the pressure they’re putting on me. Sometimes I think it would be best to take a year off after high school and maybe get a part time job while I figure my stuff out.  

Secretly, I kind of do have an idea of what I want to do for a living; I really don’t care much about wages, I just want to travel.  I want to explore the world while I write stuff like a journalist. I want to experience different cultures and learn languages.  I want freedom.  Ever since I moved to Lethbridge I’ve always felt trapped, and over and over I keep thinking that there’s something out there and I want to explore it. I want to hear different viewpoints on things and write about it.  I want to put myself out there and experience things I have not experienced before.

-By Stephen Protomartir

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