Monday, 3 April 2017

Hope for the Future

At times I constantly find myself dwelling on the future, whether it’s about an assignment that's due or even just a busy week. I often catch myself playing situations over in my mind and wondering how I’m going to approach them, but usually they don’t go so well in my head. I don’t even have a clue what is to come next and this scares the hell out of me. Nobody can truly know. I have faith that everything will work out okay, and also hope for a good future, a future in which I’m not a disappointment to myself and others, but in many instances I cannot help myself, but to assume the worst. I think nothing is going to work out sometimes and I’ll be left a failure. My family and others may have some expectations that can put a lot of weight on my shoulders and failing them is probably one of the biggest fears of mine. I don’t enjoy letting people down in my life. It’s just that they have hope for me to do great things for myself and not make any of their mistakes, but nobody is perfect. Not everything we do has to be great and we cannot prevent ourselves from doing any of the wrong things in life, that is why they are called mistakes. We can only have the hope and courage to be the best that we possibly can. I cannot do everything others wish for me to do because not everything they want is exactly what I want. If I could do all the things everyone wanted me to do I would, but first I need to do what I want. I wish to simply be the best version of my myself and it upsets me that I cannot make everyone proud, but that just isn’t realistic. I need to find the courage to do the things I wish to do, and the hope for a good future.

-By Cetan Pitre
This is a link to the song "Hope for the Future" by Paul McCartney.

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