Monday, 3 April 2017

Living With Demons

Sometimes I feel as if I’m in a dark room by myself, and all I can hear are voices. Sometimes I think it’s my voice or someone else’s voice but I don’t recognize it, it’s very vague sometimes soft, sometimes harsh. Then I hear “be afraid” be afraid of what? Life, the people around me, and the risks I take? Then I start to think to myself “maybe I should be afraid.” Then when I want to talk to someone about what’s going on nothing comes out of my mouth. It’s like I’m screaming what I want to say, but nothing is coming out. From the second my eyes close to the second they open up, the demons inside me never leave.

I am now familiar with the feeling of not being able to catch my breath, the feeling like the walls are closing in, the feeling of passing out, and the feeling of never ending shaking is the worst thing in the world. I would never wish this upon anyone it’s like a nightmare but you’re and awake and it never ends.

When I try to explain what’s going on people think I’m crazy or there is something wrong with me, they say “you need help” or “or you need medication” but what is medication going to do for me? Keep me sane? Yes, but I don’t want to be on medication my whole life. I need to take charge of my life and be in control, I need to find the courage inside of me to fight and have the hope that one day it will all be okay.

-By Briana McKenna
This is an article that explores what it is like to have severe anxiety and how debilitating it can be.

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