My passion is to travel. It's the thrill of getting on a plane or car and going wherever I desire, feeling like an explorer discovering new land, a new language, exploring a new culture. Traveling can be a challenge, but for me, a fun challenge. Though there are many obstacles stopping me from traveling- money, parents and school - I know one day I'll have the ability to get on a plane and go wherever I want. If I could say goodbye to everything and just get on a plane and go I would. Traveling you need courage, the courage to go by yourself somewhere new. You have to have hope in yourself that you will not get lost or in the journey ahead of yourself.
I had never been able to travel until last summer which was my first trip; I went to Toronto all by myself. Getting on that plane with the biggest smile on my face was the best feeling ever. My parents never had the money to go anywhere spontaneous. My friends would say where they were going for the summer- Hawaii, Mexico, and Cuba, the places I dreamt of going. When I was younger I moved quite a bit. I moved from Sudan to Egypt then we did the big move to Canada. I think moving a lot at such a young age is what made me want to travel so much. Traveling gives you the opportunity to disconnect from your reality - going to a new place and living in the now, no tomorrow, or yesterday, just now. Travel is getting to forget the problems of back home and living life to the fullest.
-Aggie Dang
5 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits to Traveling Abroad
End of the line - TravelingWilburys
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