Thursday, 2 November 2017

Don't Understand

Life is full of unanswered questions, moments we don’t understand or actions we regret, but everything we do in our lives leads to one thing - the future. The future is one big mystery, without knowing it our actions can lead to something completely different. As kids we are told to be strong and independent, but without realizing that we can lean on other people to help us get through the hard times. The people that we lean on can affect our actions and the outcome of our life. A person's life  really starts at the end of their comfort zone, when we are in an uncomfortable situation we must bring out our courage and learn how to fly by ourselves.

Maslow created the hierarchy of human needs, showing that humans have an all or none response, simply meaning that when the nerve gets stimulated the muscle fibers respond or the stimulation was not great enough for the body to respond. The human body is designed to defend itself in all kinds of situations. The most common defense mechanism that the body uses is flight or fight response. When the body is faced with change it makes the stress hormone cortisol, and cortisol is the hormone that makes glycogen which lead to weight gain. It’s the body's way of protection from the world.

For the last year I was in a relationship with someone who meant a lot to me, we started off as a normal couple, but I soon realized that I was in for one wild ride. Around the 4 month mark of the relationship he was diagnosed with diabetes, it was a very hard pill to swallow. We both took it very hard, but I was still there for him every step of the way. As time went on things kept going against us, the medicine that the doctors prescribe for him did not work. He was placed in the hospital for 3 months and everyday I went to see him everyday. When he was released from the hospital I hoped and prayed that things would get better between us but a short time after I learned that he only wanted me around when he was to weak to stand on his own. Looking back at the relationship now I know I put my everything into the him; I was his protection from the world when he had no courage or hope that things would get better. Maybe one day we can be friends and look back at the good times and memories we share, but for now we must face the world and learn what life has to offer us.

-Drew Samek

Demi Lavato - "Tell Me You Love Me"

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