Sunday 18 January 2015

The Thrill of Pressure and Pain

Laying there on the solid bench holding up a heavy weight, the feeling of pressure the weight inflicts. As I bring the bar down slowly upon my chest, feeling the pain that comes from the stretching and the small tearing. The bar resting on my chest for only a millisecond. With a burst of power and strength the bar is back up in the air and resting on the rack.  I put myself through this pain so I can become stronger so I can save the ones I love and care about from the evil that is the world.

My weaknesses include physical injuries that stop me from reaching the level I wish to achieve and a mental weakness that holds me down like a lead weight, this weight torments me because I struggle, I struggle so hard to surpass it. Alas, it seems that this weight is actually a wall that reaches impossible heights that I cannot reach and an unlimited length in both directions. But I come back to face this wall every time I am rested hoping that I can find a hole, or create a hole or even jump over the wall hoping I can surpass this wall but to no avail.

By Taran Russell

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