Sunday, 18 January 2015

Courage and Hope

Courage means to me doing something out of your comfort zone and going through with it. Like when people join the army, or it can be trying to take the game winning shot at a game you can be afraid or have anxiety to do it, but if you go through with it than to me that’s courage. There were times when I had courage and times when I didn’t have courage in my life. When I was younger I didn’t have a lot of courage because I was afraid to do things, but as I got older I started to do more things out of my comfort zone. I think playing sports gave me a lot of courage because when I was younger it was my teacher who said I should play basketball I didn’t want to because I was afraid to play, but she made me and from there I kept playing more and more sports and I wasn’t so afraid anymore. Playing sports has given me more courage because before I stared playing I was always shy and didn’t like to try new things, but when I stared playing  it felt good to be a part of a team that cared for one another.  I think that made me who I am now.   When I’m out there playing it gives me courage because I think I earned my place on this team and I made the team for a reason. Sports have given me hope for the future because they made me want to continue with the things I’m passionate about in life.

By Traven Weasel Traveller 

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