“Here is the tragedy: when you are the victim of depression,
not only do you feel utterly helpless and abandoned by the world, you also know
that very few people can understand, or even begin to believe, that life can be
this painful.”
It has been four years since I began
my battle with depression and just like any battle there have been quite a few
ups and downs. When thinking about a battle the first thing that normally comes
to mind is two different people fighting against one another; however, this
certain battle was between me and the demons that occupy my mind. There have
been so many times when I have just wanted to throw my hands into the air and give
up... like when I sit in my room with silent tears running down my face, or
like the first time I ever self-harmed. Although not every day is bad this war
going on inside me is so tiring that sometimes I don’t want to get out of bed
and attempt to face the world, and there are times where the things in my head
are just so hard to deal with that I don’t want to close my eyes and sleep for fear of the thoughts taking over. Normally the only time I feel any sort of
relief is when I am listening to music and honestly, without that momentary
escape I have no idea where I would be or how I would be handling any of this.
By Rosemary Gleason
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