Sunday, 18 January 2015

I Am My Worst Enemy

A time in my life when I needed courage and hope was almost a year ago; I broke my leg being stupid at a grad party. It was the worst possible time to break my leg because my grad was coming up and more importantly summer. It was broken so bad that I couldn’t return to school for the remainder of the year. So, I ended up not being able to finish my classes and take the diploma exams, and as a result I never passed my English or Social classes. I was stuck at home while all my friends, that I have gone to school with, graduated and got their diplomas. Luckily I had over 100 credits so I graduated too, but I couldn’t go to the ceremony because my leg wasn’t healed enough to be crutching around. Going through this really discouraged me from ever going back to school and getting my diploma. I was disappointed in myself and became very depressed for a while. All I could think about were all the things I’d never be able to do and how many of my dreams and passions were broken with my leg. I told myself I wouldn’t go back to school. After a while I realized there’s nothing I can do but live with it and being depressed and sad about it only makes my situation worse. I started to think that if I didn’t go back to school then what would I do? I knew that there would be no hope for the future I want if I didn’t go back to school and get my diploma. I had a lot of help from my parents who gave me the courage to believe that I can go back and get through it. They helped me to realize how much I can achieve if I try hard and stay dedicated. Hope for my future and what I can become got me through this tough time in my young life, but mostly the confidence and courage my family gave me. I have hope that someday I’ll be able to skateboard again and do the things I dream of. 

By Stonewall Manychief

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