Saturday, 24 October 2015

The Reality in Society

Here in reality, society is huge and there is so much negativity. Many people have no idea how much the negativity affects us and how much pressure is put on us. It’s like a way of suffocating our brains and drowning us at times. Not only negativity, but the warnings of not pursuing “the real definitions’’ of perfection and beauty. All over, from radios, TVs, posters and all kinds of advertisements they tell us that we need to be a certain way in able to pursue and be called "perfect" and "beautiful". Everyday girls as well as women including myself, look in the mirror and when we don’t see that “real definition” we put our selves down by picking at those flaws that completely put us down and make us feel disgusted. For people like myself confused and still learning to be confidant, we need a big portion of motivation, not negativity or the constant reminders of what society classifies perfection and beauty.

I was scrolling through Tumblr and I reached a quote that I thought was lovely with a great amount of understanding to it and it forced me to  take time to think. Della Hicks-Wilson calls the quote “Greater Than”. “Who taught you that the value of a women is the ratio of her waist to her hips, and the circumference of her butt and the volume of her lips? Your math is dangerously wrong; her value is nothing less than infinite”. That quote tells you how society is so toxic to females that everyday we women have to redefine ourselves as human with our bodies needing to relate to ratios, circumferences and volume. Here is another quote I found that has a beautiful meaning to it. “Shout out to all my girls who are bigger than, taller than or weigh less than their boyfriends and feel subconscious about it because our society puts so much emphasis on girls needed to be less than boys in every single way, especially physically”. This is why the world needs more motivation and encouragement. The amount of low self-esteem we ladies have is very overwhelming and takes over us. Being confident and comfortable in your own skin is so important, but to actually feel that comfort and confidence takes so much courage, and that big amount of courage takes much time to accomplish. I think personally and strongly we should have a chance at having confidence and be able to really love ourselves.  

-Maria Osejo

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