My name is Andrea Cardona
and this is blog about me. Growing up I was an extraordinary overly energetic,
insane child. My childhood was filled with Barbie dolls, sailor moon and
Pokémon. I didn’t have any worries; I was happy all of the time and that was my
childhood. As I started to grow up I started to learn new things and I
discovered a lot of new things that fascinated me, but I was still a kid with no
worries, Was I got to my junior high years everything changed for me. During my
junior years I was never the popular kid in the class, I was never
the most hated, but I still got bullied. I only had one friend, but she was
hardly at school, so I was alone most of the time. There were a
group of kids, about 8 of them, who bullied for no reason. I was mostly cyber bullied
and rumors about me were spread throughout the school. I had a lot of
insecurities and I started to lose a lot of hope and courage. Now that I’m
older I wish that I could’ve stood up for myself and I wish I had more
There is a book called Girl
Online by Zoella Zugg,
it’s about a girl who struggles with panic attacks where she gets
embarrassed of herself so badly that she wants to die, but at the end she embraces
herself and she learns how to deal with panic attacks. I like this book because
I myself suffer from panic attacks and I get anxiety attacks very easily and this
book is not only a story, but it has taught me to become more confident. I don’t
get along with many people because they always think they know me and they
always think they understand, but they don’t. No one really knows me and the
author Zoella is actually a youtuber and I feel like she is the only one who
understands me and knows what it’s like to deal with these issues. I feel like
now I’m still finding myself and I challenge myself to learn new things and
become confident in most of the things I do. I came from a very Catholic Spanish family, so I was restricted from doing things I liked to do, but I
feel like not even that can stop me.
-Andrea Cardona
In dealing with panic
attacks this cite has helped me.