Sunday, 5 April 2020

The Recipe of My Life

I am a guy from a small town in the Philippines. I moved to Canada so I would have a better chance to have a beautiful life. When I am hungry my roots do not lie and all I want is juicy and delicious chicken, so I will use chicken to illustrate my point. I believe that love is my “Main Dish", true food for our soul, and everything else is a side dish. Without feeling the love in our hearts our very soul will starve, and it leaves us in a great risk of hurting ourselves. At this point you might think “in  what crazy world does a chicken have to do with love?”. Well, in an odd way it dawned on me that, as crazy and it really sounds, love is not far from chicken and here’s why...chicken satisfies my physical hunger and then love satisfies my soul’s hunger. I am in charge of how much effort I am going to put in it and the quality of the ingredients I put in my chicken to make it as delicious as it is. It takes time, quality, patience, passion and hard work.

I found love almost 2 years ago, and I realized that love is not the beginning of our actions, quite the contrary it is the end results of how we choose to think and act. If we wait to feel love in order to act lovingly, we might never "taste" true love. The more often I put quality ingredients in the food I make, the better it will taste when I eat it. So just as chicken, if you put good stuff in your relationship, instead of waiting for the good stuff to come to you from the other person, the better your relationship will be.


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