Sunday, 5 April 2020

Personal Growth

Something I’m passionate about is personal growth. Personal growth is what keeps me going forward every day and it’s what makes me have confidence in myself. When I wake up in the mornings nowadays I look forward to a new day, everyday. I used to wake up feeling like there was no point in trying to do my best because I wasn’t building self growth and I used to blind myself on the things and lies people told me. I wasn’t getting along with my teachers, parents, and friends but as time went I’ve been working on myself more than anything. I stopped caring about the things around me as much as I did before. I can now overcome my fears which is something I would’ve never done before. I believe if everyone worked on personal growth people would get along with others more and there would be less violence in the world. If I didn’t work on personal growth I feel like I'd be a different person than I am now. Personal growth helped me with many things such as maturity. When I get stressed I now know how to manage it and not take it out on others who didn’t do anything to me. I used to make many bad life decisions that weren’t leading me on the right path. I also know how to make the right decisions and I can handle peer pressure well now. I don’t listen to the bad things people tell me, I just do what’s best for myself. I’m still not where I want to be, but everything takes time, and nothing changes overnight. I’m trying to follow my dreams and be anything in life. I’ve had many examples in my life of the type of person I don’t want to grow up and be. Life is short and full of challenges and that is why I believe I need to do my best and not waste my time on trying to be someone I'm really not.

- Jonathan

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