Life is full of ups and downs, It's more or less a roller coaster. One minute your up high as the birds, then your sent down hill right into a loop. We find ourselves holding on to what we've got and go with the track; I think of that as courage, courage to stay with the track even if it looks scary ahead. Hope on the other hand is what keeps the roller coaster rolling, we hope that the ride won't break or that it could go faster. When the ride slows to a halt we feel relief, and later can fantasize about the ride and the rush that was experienced. The significance of courage and hope is that it is an essential mixture to one's perseverance in life. I have seen first hand when my old man had unfortunately lost courage. His train didn't know where to go, no ups no downs, numb to the fact he lost hope, finishing off at the nearest station around the corner. Through the thick smoke I have seen that courage and hope are essential to the wellness of human beings.
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