It seems like whenever we have big dreams fear will always come knocking on our door, stopping us from moving forward and killing the dreams inside.
It took me a long time to finally realize that fear is just a small shadow appearing to be super big.
Growing up in Israel I used to fear a lot whenever the enemies would throw bombs on us trying to kill everyone in the country. It was hard especially whenever we’d hear about bombs in the nearby cities, we would think that maybe we are next and although there were times of peace, the fear inside stopped us from enjoying the moment. That fear consumed every part of my life to the point were I couldn’t see anything good in my life; I thought that there was no way I'd ever get to live a good life, or I would wonder if I would live at all. My other greatest fear was the future. What will happen, where am I going to be, or am I ever going to succeed and get out of this life? But God has commanded us to be hopeful and courageous. In the book of Joshua God says: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you where you go”(Joshua 1:9). The bible promised that if we have hope then our hope will not disappoint us or put us to shame.
Everything I feared in the past didn’t happen. I am alive and peaceful and although I still don’t know what the future holds, I know that God holds the future, and he is the Beginning and the End. I am encouraging everyone to have the courage to believe that the best is always yet to come and to have hope that their dreams can come to pass. Fear is just "False Evidence Appearing Real", but faith is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen". We may not see a way out, but God can part the sea and make a way for us. My happiness came back the moment I stopped fearing everything and trusted God more because hope and courage bring joy and happiness. I believe that the best life a person could have is a life full of hope and courage.
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