Sunday 5 April 2020

The Bad Guy

We all have that special person that helps us through times of distress. For me it's my Dad, but for so long I was told he was the bad guy when my parents divorced. I believed the lies of “He doesn’t love you” and “He won’t come back for you”. My parents got divorced when I was around the age of nine. My memories of those days are blurred as I took them for granted or just wanted to forget them. Since those lies were planted in my head I can only seem to remember the bad times. The times I was left planted on my bed crying. From the age 9-14 I always saw him as a ‘bad guy’. After my 15th birthday I started to break through the lies and started to get closer to my Dad. We started to have more heart to heart conversations and I started to learn more about him. After a lot of deep conversations he started to teach me more and more life skills that my single mother couldn’t. I continued to want to learn and know more about my Dad so started to run to his house as a stunt to stay longer than the two weekends a month. It took me two months of running to his house for my Mom to finally give in to me moving there full time. After I moved there full time there was a bit of bad blood with my Mom, as she took it as betrayal where I saw it as a chance to grow. Even with the bad blood my Dad was there to help and guide me on how to deal with it correctly and fairly for both parties. Without my Dad guiding me through this stressful time I would still be dealing with it to this day. After living with my Father for two years now I still continue to learn things that will help me for the rest of my life.


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