Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Difficult Times

              We all have difficult times whether we chose it or not. I guess you could say that the difficult times that I had made me fear the unknown. For me the difficult times that I faced in my life was the time when I was bullied. When I was in junior high there was two groups, the first group was the populars and the second was the outlaws or the loners. I was in that group and so were my “friends”.  Every day was a torture for us, I mean it was an internal misery. Each day they would find a way to make my life horrible. It was as if it was their life mission to make feel like I was worthless. I was called names and tortured until I was left feeling lost and scared. I was left as a broken girl blowing away into nothing. For me courage and hope is something I can never have. All I had was fear and darkness. Fear controlled me to the point where I felt like I was stuck in a cage with only two options. Let the bullying continue or destroy the rest of this shattered shell.  At the point in my life I only felt like an empty shell. It was as if they would take my heart out and would stab every little thing that would make me feel pain. After they were done they would shove it back in my chest and make me feel worthless and pathetic inside. I tried to stick up for my friends in order to feel something at least ,but what good did that do? All I got in return was to be alone and have nothing or no one to stick up for me. That was the risk I took and I was paying for it. I asked myself what I did to deserve this. To be called fat, ugly, stupid, and cow was hard. I started to believe that they were true and it made me start wanted to destroy this empty shell. I was left feeling worthless and hopeless in myself. I started to feel the inner demons start to consume me. It was as if I was being dragged deeper and deeper into the darkness. As I got deeper I was faced with hardships even worse than before. I was being torn from the inside and became a focal point for target practice. To be left with feeling like I was point blank ranged shot with a shotgun from the cruelty of those who felt like it was their responsibility to get rid of the less inferior. It became difficult for me to trust anyone after that. All of my so called “friends” became popular and left me in the dust. I wanted nothing more than to end it all. To let my soul be trapped in the dark forever and disappear.

When I finally was able to leave that school and come to Catholic Central I still couldn’t trust anyone. I would put on a mask every day and just smile and laugh. When I am at home I would have nightmares and be trapped in the darkness once again. I wished I could know what it meant to have the ability to feel the warmth of trusting and a sense of belonging, to be able to have the brightest light shine a path to help me get out of the dark. As the days gone by I kept my mask on and pretended to smile and have fun. Along the way I met my best friend Amanda. Amanda was able to help me become the person I am today. She has giving me hope and courage to break out of the darkness. She is one of the most amazing person I have ever met and she is someone I was able trust. I am so glad that I was able to meet her and become someone that she was able to trust. I still am haunted by my past and the fear that controlled me, but Amanda has given me hope that I have wished for. To be able to feel hope and courage was because I was able to meet my best friend Amanda. Even though I have known Amanda for three years she is the one that has been there for me through everything. She is the one person that I am lucky to have as a best friend.

I was finally able to gain courage and drop my mask that I had used all this time and I felt free. I was able to talk to others and be myself and for once it actually worked. People liked me for who I was and they didn’t judge me for being different or less inferior. For once in my life I felt like I belonged and a chance to know what truly living is all about. I was able to feel the environment around me change to become something new.
By: Catherine Irwin

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