Friday, 31 October 2014

I was about 6 years old when my parents first split up. My mom packed up everything that could fit inside her 2002 Impala ( I don’t know why I still remember that) besides three seats for her, my brother, and I. She told us that she was leaving my father, and asked us if we wanted to come with her. Now that I look back on it, it was all pretty sudden and upfront. She had tears in her eyes, and me and my brother weren’t going to let our mom leave all alone like that, so we hopped in the car with her and drove four days across the country to start a new life in Florida. This isn’t a story about my courage, it’s a story about hers. My father used to be a terrible person. He constantly drank, and was often physically and mentally abusive to my mother. For many years my mom endured this mistreatment for her sons. This wasn’t just her family, it was her life, it was all she knew. But one day, something must have changed. He must pushed her a little too far, and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back as they say. She had the courage to go out on her own and start a new and better life for her sons, and herself. I respect her immensely for that decision. Admittedly that threw a wrench in my life and I had to start over on a lot of things, but I don’t blame her for what she did at all, I commend her. Now just like then she’s immensely independent, and because of her strong will she’s become very successful with her own business.   

By Axel Froese

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