Wednesday, 17 January 2018

You Must Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways

Feeling fear and doing it anyways can get us through easy times and some of the hardest times. It can help us get through depression, stressed days, or uncertain days. If we can use that  fear to put it behind us to push us, instead of letting it sit in front of us, that's a very powerful thing and it can make us  accomplish anything humanly possible. It can make us accomplish things we would never have done before. Fear can make and break us, its all on you on how we decide to use it. When I feel fear I can use that to motivate and help push me in a good positive way from behind and that's the most powerful thing I've been taught and have learned in life, is to use fear as a advantage because it can be done and when its done it is one of the most powerful things for some people. Some people live in fear and they don't know any other way to live and that can be really bad and make them live in a bubble that they don't leave because they're scared and that becomes the norm for them. If they stay in the bubble they won't experience as much as they could if they leave fear behind and take more chances, and do it anyways. Facing fear can benefit us in a positive way and change our lives, causing us to do more things and take more risks.

-Jaden Baker

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