Wednesday 17 January 2018


      In the world we live in today we are expected to be “perfect” as they put it. We’re expected to have this perfect image that society glorifies or we're expected to be the same as everyone else. If we don’t meet up with society’s standards or meet up to everyone else’s standards were seen as the outcast, or the weird person nobody talks to, I know this because I've felt like this before. I've felt like I didn’t measure up to everyone else’s standards or I didn’t meet up to society’s standards and I didn’t feel accepted for who I was. Life is not about that though, it is about being perfect only for yourself because being perfect for yourself in the end will always feel better than being perfect for society or someone else. I’ve somewhat grown past where I’m worrying about others opinion on me because yea sure, they can say that stuff about me but it’s not true and they don’t know who I really am because they aren’t me. The only time we should listen when people talk about us is when what they say is true, and we may be harming ourselves or others. At this point we may finally see what we have to do to get it right. That’s when opinions from others matter because they aren’t just saying it to say it, they’re saying it because they see something in us that we don’t, or that we are too ignorant to see. Sometimes people tend to just look at the good things happening or just tend to look at the brighter things instead of the things that they don’t want to see about themselves, or others. This method of ignoring does more bad than good because yea sure they will be happy with what they have and with what they've got, but deep down they will know that they could’ve worked harder to get what they really wanted, or they could’ve made that change before things got too complicated, but that is what life is about. It’s about learning to see what is wrong with ourselves and with life because not everything is perfect, we just have to find what makes us perfect.

-Tristan Big Sorrel Horse

KiD CuDi - Soundtrack to My Life

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