Friday 1 April 2016

Love At First Lift

I am very passionate about weightlifting. I got introduced into weightlifting by my previous gymnastics coach. When my gymnastics career came to an end she asked me to try Olympic Weightlifting, so I went in and tried it for a week and I absolutely loved it!  I was so excited to go back and get stronger and get the technique down, and I wanted to compete.  To start off, yes I am a girl who loves lifting and no I’m not to “small” to be lifting heavy weights. Any time I tell someone I’m a weightlifter those are the answers to the questions I get asked, but it just so happens that I’m pretty good at it. I’ve placed 1st at provincials for 3 years running, and this year at nationals I managed to place 2nd, so take that for being small and a girl.

Weightlifting is practically part of me, well it is part of me, but it’s not just something I do for fun or to stay fit, it’s like my hair; weightlifting is a part of me. I train five days a week and I love everything about it from being sore, to the feeling after a killer workout, but most of all the competitions. I love the rush when I walk out onto that empty platform and it feels like it is just me and the weights, nothing else in the world matters. The only thing I can hear is my coach yelling at me to push up or get my head through. But the best is when I make the lift and hear the buzzer sound signaling for me to drop the weight, everything that I blacked out from comes back and it’s the happiest feeling.

This sport is my passion, it’s the only thing that makes me feel like I can just let go, lift and be myself.  If I am upset, mad, and sad or in any mood my favorite place to go is the gym to lift. I’m surrounded by my wonderful team members who are practically my family; they listen to me talk about everything going on in my life, they dance around the gym with me when my favorite song comes on, but when it’s time to work they push me to do my best. The passion of this sport grew the moment I put my sweaty hands on the bar and it has just kept growing from there. I am so happy I have a passion that keeps me busy and healthy and strong. Weightlifting will always be a part of my life.  I’m looking into scholarships all over the world and hoping one day I’ll be able to prove this passion I have for this sport at the Olympics.

I chose this as a link because this is the song I always listen to before competing.

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