Friday 1 April 2016

A Future That Fits

It is finally here!  With my graduating year comes all the stress of finishing the year successfully, and the fear of making good choices for my future.  If I were to take a trip in time to almost seven years ago I would be getting ready to move, and leave everything that was important to me behind.  I felt that moving from my hometown to a new city was like walking down stairs with a blindfold on; I did not know what to expect in the next chapter of my life. Through this experience of change, I have gained more courage to feel confident and hopeful in the choices I make for my future.

To this point in my life there has always been a guiding force whether it be my parents or my teachers. In a way it has felt like a bit of a safety net.  As high school ends, the net disappears and now I am left to make choices for myself. Some friends and classmates that I am surrounded by have applied and been accepted into college and university programs. To this point I have tossed around a number of ideas as to which career path I would like to pursue. I have yet to make, what I consider to be, an important decision. I feel it takes courage to stand firm and do the research, and not feel pressured to jump into a program that I am not sure is a good fit for me.

I feel that as we grow older and mature all our life experiences transform us into courageous and hopeful individuals. Through the support of family friends and our school community we grow stronger and learn to believe in ourselves. So, my plan is to be courageous in my search to find a career that will be satisfying and fulfilling for myself.

This link has enlightened me and I would suggest that my fellow friends and graduates may be interested in taking a look at it.

-By Mark Dilworth


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