Monday 21 January 2019

Someone is Always Watching

In my eyes my grandpa is a hero and he's also my family's hero. If anyone had a problem he would listen, he would be there on a troubling day just so they had someone to talk to. I don't know him as much as I would like to, but I can't change what happened, he passed away 15 years ago. I've always heard good things about him; he was the family stone, helping everyone in his sight. My mom would tell me that after she and my father separated she would still ask for m grandpa's help, and not once did he say no as it filled him with joy. As we both grow older I stayed healthy and he started to have health problems, but through all the hard times somehow he would still put others first and made sure that everyone smiled once through the day and most of the time it would come from him making jokes or funny faces. Through his tough times he taught me a very big lesson that we should help people no matter what others say because one good act can make the biggest difference in the world. I don't know if the lesson went on to the rest of my family, but I hope it did because if one little act can change the world, imagine what 8 or 10 little acts can do to the world.

When it was getting closer for him to meet the big man in the sky he showed his gratitude to all of those who stayed by his side, and to his family. He also showed lots of love, and the pain never stopped him from making someone smile. As I grow up I've always heard stories about him and how people could rely on him as he told you the truth and always knew the right thing to do. I’ve always wanted to be like him where people could rely on me, but for now I think it’s too much weight  on my shoulders to consider this for a big group of people. I would like to see my grandpa again and the hope that I will one day brings me the courage I need to get through the rest of my life. As I was growing up I always heard about this awesome person and all the wonderful things he did, but all I can remember is him always sitting in a chair rocking back and forth and even that is a cloudy memory. As I hear more and more about him, I became more sad that this awesome person did so much and yet I remember so little about him. I still look up at the sky hoping that my grandpa is looking over me watching and helping me make the right choice. I never had the courage to talk about my grandpa until I was told how proud he would be to hear my words, and that finally gave me the courage to talk about him.

I chose this song because it helps me remember that I will see my grandpa and I can tell him my life story and how importation family is.

-Mason Araki

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