Monday, 21 January 2019

I Need Help, I Need Guidance, I Need Love

I can imagine myself working in the psychological/medical field as a registered psychiatric nurse. In recent years I have discovered that I have a deep sense of empathy, especially for those who have suffered psychological trauma or those who struggle with addiction. Though it may not seem like it, but I have been there at least once in my life and I’m struggling with my own problems. I’m completely content with listening to others and their problems, in order to set them on the right path. I plan on using my underlying gift of empathy to give someone who is lost, a sense of direction, a sense of purpose, a reason to keep going in life. The problem is that first I have to overcome my own problems and I keep hurting myself because I don’t have the courage to do so. I’ve been so caught up in other people's problems that I’ve been ignoring my feelings which I’ve just been bottling up all the time. Because of this I suffer from severe mood swings even though I’m well past the stage of adolescence where such a thing is prevalent. One minute I can be utterly depressed and in another I’m in a fury, insulting my family, destroying various items, and a few times I’ve even turned to alcohol and cigarettes. With this I realized that in paying full attention to others and not caring for myself, I’m only hurting myself and throwing myself down a spiral of self-destruction. I am fully aware that I lack the courage to face my repressed memories and bottled-up feelings and lack hope for my future because if I can’t care for myself, what chance do I have of caring for someone else? In the end my mind is rattled with doubts and fears that I’ll never succeed in my pursuit for my dream career, or that I’m not cut out for my ideal job. In order for me to achieve that courage and hope I need to face my inner demons, I need help, I need guidance, I need love.

The reason I chose this list/article is because I match every single item on the list.

-Aidin Eagle Child

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