Thursday 1 November 2018

Soccer has been in my life since I was really little. My brothers played it constantly and I just knew it was going to be my sport. My mom put me in soccer when I was four years old and I played for the Timbits team which was super easy because we just ran and kicked a ball for thirty minutes. When I was seven I was finally able to try out for a competitive team. It took a lot of courage for little seven year old me to show the coaches that I was good. I remember that day it was the most nerve racking, stressful days I have had. My hands were sweaty, my heart was pumping so fast that I could hear it beating. My brother gave me hope and said that if I did not make the team there were always other teams that would want me. I finally got out on the field and saw all these girls who were just staring at me. I almost lost hope and wanted to walk off that field. My brother was just sitting there watching me and I felt like I needed to prove to him that I could do it. It takes a lot of courage to step up and confront something, but with the help and support of someone it makes the situation a lot easier. If it wasn’t for my brother supporting me and pushing me out of my comfort zone I would not be playing soccer today. My brother never lost hope in me, even if I did, he was always there.

I am still so passionate about soccer that nothing else matters. The soccer center is like my second home because I am there everyday whether it is watching a game, playing a game, or even just practicing. I can always count on soccer to give me hope when I am going through a rough time. It calms me and makes me feel happy; I feel relieved from all my stress when I’m there. Everyone has different things that give them hope and courage and mine is soccer. Before every game when I am feeling nervous or anxious I look to social media. Instagram is where I can let my nerves calm down and I can feel less anxious. There are so many videos of my favorite soccer team which is the USWNT it motivates me to play well and gives me hope that we will win our game. I feel hopeful when my favorite player Tobin Heath posts on her Instagram or Twitter because she motivates me to be the best I can be. She shows her strengths and strategies on how she became such an amazing player. I look up to Tobin Heath, as she gives me courage and strength even if I am just looking or listening to her through a screen I am glad we have social media. Without social media it would be hard for me to be motivated when I have a game because if I have no one around me like my brother who lives in Calgary who do I look up to? With social media I can easily YouTube your favorite player and watch their games or listen to an interview over and over again.

-Chanda Heavy Runner

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