I have hope that in the future we can live in peace without the fear of terrorism and war. Every year it seems like more and more terrorist attacks happen. In today’s society, we live in fear that if we go to a public event like a charity fundraiser or a concert we could be injured or killed in a terrorist attack. This is a problem that occurs throughout many countries around the world. Many attacks like the 911 attack on the Twin Towers and the Boston Bombing have caused significant disarray on our society. The main reason for this is due to the war that is currently happening between the U.N and multiple groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Qaeda. I have a fear that future generations will have to live in fear every day, and eventually it will not be safe to be outside due to ongoing war that may occur in our own country. Today, we have borders, police, military, and multiple other securities that try to protect us as best as possible from letting terrorists into our country. We are all dealing with this problem together, and we can not push it aside and let someone take care of it for us. We are not losing the war by any means, but we certainly are nowhere near winning it as the war has been going on for a long time and is still happening today. I hope that in the near future, we can all realize that we are responsible and only we can take action. If we can end the war and have both sides equal so their is no more argument between the U.N and the terrorist organizations, hopefully we will one day be able to live without the fear that an attack may happen to us or the people we know.
-Logan Huss
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