I sometimes struggle with the willingness to failing and being embarrassed. It hurts to fail but in the long run we can learn and grow from it. I’ve failed at many things and I have come to realize its okay. Back then, in the moment, I was ashamed; I was sad and angry at myself because I said "why me?" "Why does this happen to me?" I know now that I am not alone and that being willing to try and fail can go a long way in life and maybe other people’s lives. The most successful people in the world have gone through failure and embarrassment. The people we look up to have gone through that. Failing does not define who we are, it’s about having the courage and hope to push through it and strive to be better in life. Personally, I have tried new things like a new sport or putting myself out there for people to see and I have come to terms with being willing to be embarrassed and fail. It helps me grow as a person and helps me learn new things about myself. We can only succeed through failure. It’s about moving on from what we did, to what we will do in the future.
-Andrew Kashman
The link is to the video "Why I Teach My Children To Fail" by Jim Harshaw.
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