Tuesday 1 November 2016

Motivation from Vulnerability

I feel a fear of losing. I am pretty competitive in many things and I don’t like to lose. I like the compensation of winning, or being better, or feeling like I can do better. I embrace my vulnerability if my fear of losing because it motivates me to do better. I always start feeling like there is someone who is better than me in whatever I do. To stop myself from feeling that negativity and vulnerability, I joined Progressive Fighting Academy.  PFA teaches Muay Thai, Kickboxing, jiu jitsu, and wrestling. I used to act pretty competitive about how "tough" I was.  I had a friend who was in kickboxing and was interested in MMA, but I also had a friend who joined boxing. Because I am motivated by people around me and my fear of losing, I joined Progressive Fighting Academy to stop the feeling of people being "tougher" than me and to cover up holes that I have which eliminate my ability to win or do better. After some time in MMA, I have lost the fear of losing. I now focus on making improvements on what I do and I try to improve other people’s skill instead of just worrying about myself. After some time training, I have slowed down and mostly do training for fun.  I am excited to get back into training since my mother won’t let me compete until I am 18, so I hadn’t been training as much lately.

-Nicco Cantillas

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