Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Not Ever Losing Hope

Hope and courage found in people who never give up, they keep going even when there’s no reason to, and why is that they have something inside that helps them keep going. I think of the darkness in my life as the part that wants me to fail. It wants me to give up and agree with my inner demons, taunting me to go back to failing class and doing bad things. I don't want to give up to the darkness. No matter what happens to me, no matter how beat down, I always have hope in the future of my life because I know there's going be a better time. I look forward to the positive. Sometimes I want to give up and give in to my demons, but I always imagine the damage I'll do to myself. It hurts sometimes and I don't know how to deal with it other than keep looking forward and stay positive.  

Right now I'm currently mourning my great auntie. She passed away yesterday and I had to call my cousin last night to let her know that everything is going to be alright. Everything isn't going to alright though. I had to deal with my grandfather passing and he was like a second father to me. I didn't really feel like the same person after he passed and I still don’t. I've been through a lot this year and honestly I've thought of giving up. I never did though and I never plan to. The plan is to hang on and let life take its course.

-By Mark Duckchief

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