My Super
My superhero in my life is my mom, since I was one. Since I
was one my mom has raised my brother and I. She has always been there for us no
matter what and she never complains or gives up on us because we were too difficult. My mother even went back to school
to become a nurse so that she could support my brother and I. My mom is
incredible and sometimes I don't think she knows it. I'm so glad to have the
mother I do because I know that whenever I need help she will be there to help
me. My mom works hard all the time so that my brother and I can enjoy
ourselves. My mom works so hard and never asks for anything in return; she is
the most amazing person. This is how I know not all superheros wear capes. I
didn't realize how much my mom did for me until I got old enough and saw how
hard my brother and I were to raise. She didn't rely on anyone and she did everything
for us; she is amazing I don't know anyone stronger than her. I will never take
my mother for granted she has the strongest will I have ever seen she has an incredible
amount of perseverance. My mom is my superhero, who is yours?
-By Zachery Martin
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