Tuesday, 1 November 2016

The Struggles of Life

Life is definitely not easy. I remember when I was younger when times were simple and I didn’t have to worry about anything. I miss those times and I feel like I didn’t get enough of it. Growing up was easy for me until my mom and dad split up. I was about 12-13 when they split up, so it wasn’t easy for me to accept because I knew what was happening, it wasn’t like I was oblivious to their divorce and the fact that I knew that happened changed me in some sort of way. After their divorce I would shut myself out to others and would just keep all my emotions bottled in and I still do, so when my parents split my sisters went to live with my mom and I stuck by my dad's side since day one and I can tell ya that we’ve been through so much crap, that when I look back at it I just laugh in amazement that even through our worst times we got through it all and made the best of those situations. It’s crazy that with a little courage and hope you can make the best of situations. With even a little bit of courage and hope you can accomplish big things. When my Dad and I were at our worst moments it seemed like there was nothing we could do to make things get better, but as time went on we slowly but surely started making the best of what we had. My Dad told me that if I wasn’t with him at our worst he would’ve given up. We kept each other going and kept pushing ourselves to do better. Without my Dad I probably wouldn’t of been here in Lethbridge. I honestly think if I stayed in Calgary I would’ve started living the life my dad always wanted to me avoid and without me who knows what my dad would’ve done. I'm glad that I stuck around with my dad because if I didn’t I don't think I could've lived with myself if anything happened to him. He was my motivation and I was his. Without having each others back who knows what life we could’ve been living right now. My Dad is the most important person in my life. He always gave me hope to have a good life. I’ve seen all the crap he’s been through and I know what he has done. Knowing all of his struggles in life gives me motivation to make sure that I will have a good life. He’s told me numerous times that he doesn’t want for me to live the same life as he did. He wants me to be successful and to live a happy life. Hearing those words is what gives me courage to do better and makes me hope for a good life.

-By Mario Sicay

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