Tuesday, 1 November 2016


Talking about your vulnerabilities is a hard ,but necessary to grow. We must embrace these vulnerabilities because they make us, us. I may be skinny but it doesn't mean I’m weak. I don't go out often and stay comfy in my room, but I’m not scared. I may go on my own, but that doesn't make me alone. We all try and hide our vulnerabilities, but when we do we just make ourselves more like everyone else. It takes a lot of courage to hold our hearts on our sleeves and show everyone who we really are. Some of these vulnerabilities can turn into anger and sadness which we refer to often as our demons. These demons inside us stop us from doing what we love or just being us. Inside me these demons make me constantly worried about what others think of me. WE ALL push these demons down deep inside us and try to hide them. I workout to become bigger, or I hide worry and fear with laughter, or I just act tough. We find ways to push these demons down, it could be by eliminating these vulnerabilities or dulling them with drugs and alcohol. I will admit that when times get tough or I'm just down in the dumps I will turn to alcohol. Alcohol is a bandage that we use to fix small problems or pick us back up. Too many people including me use these bandages, but these bandages won't???work and help us through the waves that life constantly hits us with and pull us out of the holes we find ourselves in. All in all these vulnerabilities make me me and that's why they won't really change or may only change on the outside.

-By Casey Schneider

Demons by imagine dragons

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