Saturday 10 June 2017


My vulnerability is meeting new people and being friends with them. I worry that if I tell new people most of the things that I am going through, they won’t tell me what they’re going through and I won’t know a big part of them. I also worry that perhaps I only thought we were close friends. I won't let myself be vulnerable and open up because I also worry that people will tell other people about me.  

In my life sometimes when I go places I change. At home I speak more and interact more with my siblings, but when I go to school I only speak to a few teachers and my friends. I am scared to speak to people that I do not know and I only speak when my friends are around me. When I go to the mall, or something like that, I only talk to the person I am with, and I block out everyone else and I avoid speaking to anyone except when I am spoken. I wish that I could speak to everyone without hesitation but it will not come out.

-By Trez Mountain Horse

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