Saturday, 10 June 2017


The darkness in my life is the fear of not knowing, It’s scary to feel like I don’t know what to do next; I just exist. My high school career is almost ending and I only chose want I wanted to do a couple of weeks ago. I don’t know if I’ll succeed in this new chosen path and I’m trying to really hard to take this chance, but isn’t taking a chance kind of like having hope? When you hope for something it’s a gamble and you don’t know if you’re going to make it through or crash and burn, but you do it anyway. It takes courage to walk through the darkness and find a light.

Looking ahead is a lot easier than looking behind, at least there's a surprise awaiting you ahead. It’s hard to leave your comfort zone and just wing it, but how else do you move further and open more doors? I’m a shy and keep to myself kind of person, and for me to actually get out there and associate with people makes me a little anxious, but it always gets better. The darkness can morph try to drag you down or make you lost, but finding a light isn’t as hard as you think it just takes a little courage to get through it.

-By Timberly Pace
This is a song called "Pork and Beans" by Weezer; it is about doing what you want in life and not following the crowd.

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