Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and GMCs

August 6th 2014 may have been the most difficult day of my life. Let me start it off from the beginning. We decided to go bridge jumping, which we didn’t have permission to do. We got there and it was gorgeous. We pulled up close enough to the end of the bridge so we could jump off the bridge, great idea right? Wrong. We had just got our things out of the truck, our tubes, towels and Slurpee’s. We slammed the door of the truck just as we realized that we had locked our keys, and all of our phones in the truck. Perfect. Just another thing to ruin our day.  Thankfully, another group of people were there, so we used their phones to get hold of all our parents to let them know our situation.  We needed to have courage to call our parents and let them know even though we weren’t allowed to be there. My dad had another set of keys for the truck, but they were with him and he was at work 12 hours away in Fort McMurray. Just my luck! “Wait a minute, let me call my parents, they have AMA!” my friend Carly said. So we called AMA, and waited 6 long hours just sitting on the side of the bridge when they finally arrived. My friends and I were exhausted. We were super excited to be going home after a long day. We got in the truck and we followed my boyfriend out onto the rough gravel road. We had the music turned up loud, having a great time when I hit a huge hole in the road. I realized I was losing control of my vehicle. I told the girls in my truck I had no control and to hold on. We started fishtailing back and forth between the left and right side of the road.   We veered off to the right side of the road and the ditches were super steep. My bull guard caught on the ground in weeds and grass flipped my truck. I remember watching the glass smash in towards us and my 7 hour old melted Slurpee fly upside down and spill everywhere. It’s like everything was in slow motion. I watched as my world was crumbling before my eyes. We came to a stop finally after flipping a time and a half. Thank the lord we landed on all fours. I looked around at all the windows smashed in and at all the blood on my legs. I asked if everyone was alright and when I heard both of them say they were fine I got out of the vehicle. To this day I don’t know how I got out; the doors were smashed in so bad they couldn’t be opened. My boyfriend came running. I remember blood everywhere as I screamed the worst words as loud as I could. How could this happen, I thought It was honestly the scariest experience of my life. My dad was there so soon along with everyone else's parents. We needed to have courage in this experience because even through all of this happening we needed to keep level headed and be brave. It was an extreme experience, but it taught us how to handle extreme experiences. They took us to the hospital immediately to make sure we didn't have whiplash or bad concussions. One of the girls in the truck didn't have her seat belt on so she had a dislocated shoulder. The other girl had the roof came in on her head which gave her a concussion. I walked away with tons of cuts and bruises but nothing else, thank God. I will never forget this experience. I think I showed courage by going through the situation and remaining as calm as I possibly could and not breaking down. I think I showed hope by hoping after the situation happened that everything would get better and go back to normal eventually. Now this is nothing but a memory but I will never forget this experience. I've never been so courageous in my life.

-By Shelby Bootsma


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