Sunday, 15 June 2014

Overcoming the Bumpy Road on my Trail

The last two years my life has been like a rollercoaster, just when things start to turn out for me like a new job, or having an understanding about things ,then things start to spin like a wandering wheel. I got in a fight with my co-workers that cost me my job, well it didn’t really impact me cause I never enjoyed what I did being a gas jockey. Weeks later I nearly broke my ankle, good thing it was just a stretched tended that got me limping for months. Lots of things were running in my mind, saying to myself, ‘’Why is this happening to me?   I’m barely getting by for money and I can’t do anything about it’’.  Things kind of calmed down for the next few months then until December 2012 when my treaty rights were in jeopardy, with this BILL C 45 it was just another way for the government to take away our resources. I was a little mad since my ancestors and the government made an agreement, but the government never kept their word and they still want to take over all the resources just for money.

 I thought to myself that I try so hard to make my life decent and nothing but bullshit comes my way. It’s like some people like to focus on the common good but get nowhere and face nothing but negative things in their life and slowly die of exhaustion. The liars, cheater and stealers get to sit back and look at all the people trying to make their lives good. I thought I was going to give up and was on the brink of a break down. I was lost, so I prayed every day for at least answers, but nothing  came I felt like I was going to fall. My mom was there she told me, ‘’they’re two paths one is the easy path that everyone chooses, but it's short they have an short trail at the end and there are people like you and me who go on the long narrow path, but it leads to hardship, discipline and at the end that leads to success lots of achievements.  That’s why we are facing this struggle but that doesn’t mean it’s going to stay like this’’.

After the lecture with my mom I continued to try hard during that time. I had a lot of faith the only hope I had was my family friends and myself. It motivated me to do the best I can do.   The hard ship I was facing didn’t make me weaker but it made me stronger. Now I’m graduating with a better chance of going to school and I'm going to have an awesome summer job that can land me on my feet. Nobody’s perfect but everyone has an purpose, so we must remember not to let things get the best of us.
-Lou Crosschild

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