Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Battle of Courage

          This year in English class our theme is the significance of courage and hope.  There are so many topics that support our theme with plenty of evidence. A girl in our class started to talk about cancer and it gave me a great idea to due on my blog because I have tie with cancer in my family. When I was four years old my grandfather had cancer in his pancreas and liver. Being four years old you really don’t understand what is all going on and your parents can’t really explain it to you. I was always just told my papa was very sick and that I couldn’t go see him today but mommy was.  We went to Disney land the Christmas of 2000, my family and my grandma and grandpa, my mom was 5 months pregnant with my brother at the time. That is one of the only and last memories I have with my grandpa. That following March my grandpa had passed away and my mom was 7 months pregnant. My mom went through a bit of depression and being 7-9 months pregnant it was very difficult for her. But she dug deep down within herself and found the courage to pick herself up for my little brother, father and I. My mom was so courageous in my eyes now that I understand I honestly don’t know if I would have been able to be as strong as her. During tough situations you have to be able to pick yourself up and still be there for your family and that’s exacually what my mom did.  She is my hero I hope one day I can be the person that she is.

Cancer is an awful sickness and it has taken lives of many but there are also survivors. Everyone one of those families that have been affected by cancer can all stand together.  They have all shown courage by going on and living for themselves and their family members. It puts such an emotional toll on people if members of their family or even themselves are diagnosed with the illness. There are cancer awareness websites and chat room for people to become more educated, aware, just needing someone to talk to going through the same situation as you or even closure. Here are two websites I found and you can check them out if you wish one is a cancer chat room and the other is about cancer awareness it shows how you can get involved and become aware.
- Jozie Rempel


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